Accelerating Women to the Leadership Arena with Vicki Gordan


Accelerating Women to the Leadership Arena with Vicki Gordan

February 22nd, 2024

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Recent data from a 2023 survey by McKinsey and about Women in the Workplace highlights a concerning trend. Despite gains in senior leadership roles, where women now hold close to 28% of positions, the progression at the mid-management level remains notably slow. 

This creates a fragile middle in the leadership pipeline, further exacerbated by the "great breakup" trend noted in 2022, where women at the director level depart their companies at rates higher than their male counterparts. Eventually, this results in a reduced pool of women ready to step into top executive roles, underscoring a pressing need for targeted initiatives to close this gap.

To discuss these issues, Jenny Whitener, CEO of Bridge Innovate, sat down with Vicki Gordon, an experienced leader whose career spans significant roles including that of a senior executive at a Fortune 500 financial services company. Vicki has not only led with distinction but has also actively fostered female leadership through the co-founding and sponsoring of the Women’s Professional Network at her company. This network has been crucial in enhancing opportunities for women and exemplifies Vicki’s commitment to nurturing potential and advancing women in leadership.

The following is a summary of the conversation between Jenny Whitener & Vicki Gordon:

Creating the Women’s Professional Network

Jenny Whitener: Vicki, welcome! Let’s start with the Women's Professional Network. What motivated its creation, and what has been its impact?

Vicki Gordon: Thanks, Jenny. The network stemmed from a critical look at the 'leaky pipeline' in leadership progression for women, particularly noticeable in how men often advance through internal promotions, whereas women frequently enter leadership through external recruitment. Our initiative aimed to balance this dynamic by fostering an inclusive environment supportive of women's advancement from within.

We began by drafting a white paper that outlined the disparities and proposed actionable solutions, which we discussed with senior leaders to refine our strategies. This groundwork allowed us to launch pilot programs that gained formal backing over time, effectively birthing the Women's Professional Network. Importantly, our efforts included men as allies, emphasizing that gender advancement benefits the entire corporate ecosystem, not just women.

Challenges Faced by Women in the Workplace

Jenny Whitener: That's incredibly insightful. Could you delve into some specific barriers women face in the workplace, and how the network addresses these?

Vicki Gordon: Certainly. One major hurdle is the confidence gap; women often hesitate to apply for promotions unless they meet all job criteria, whereas men typically apply when they meet about half. Additionally, communication styles differ significantly along gender lines, which can misalign women with leadership expectations that traditionally favor direct and assertive interactions.

Our network tackled these by implementing mentorship and sponsorship programs aimed at building women's confidence and visibility within the company. We also hosted workshops and training sessions that equipped women with the skills to assertively communicate and effectively narrate their career achievements and qualifications.

Jenny Whitener: It sounds like these initiatives not only supported individual women but also cultivated a broader cultural shift within the company. How did these changes manifest at the organizational level?

Vicki Gordon: The impact was profound. Our programs significantly improved participants' self-assurance and managerial capabilities, as reported by their superiors. This shift not only elevated women's roles but also enhanced overall business outcomes through increased diversity in leadership perspectives, which is often linked to higher profitability and creativity.

Taking Steps to Enhance Your Leadership Diversity

Jenny Whitener: Moving forward, what lessons can other organizations take from your success with the Women’s Professional Network to enhance their own leadership diversity efforts?

Vicki Gordon: Organizations should start with comprehensive data analysis to understand the extent of gender disparity within their ranks. Building a mission-driven initiative, like our network, requires clear objectives and dedicated leadership—elements that were critical to our success. It's essential to involve all levels of staff, from executive sponsors to entry-level employees, and to maintain transparency and accountability through regular updates and result tracking.

Jenny Whitener: Vicki, your insights are not only inspiring but also actionable. Thank you for sharing your valuable experiences with us today.

Vicki Gordon: It's been a pleasure, Jenny. I hope our conversation inspires other organizations to take bold steps toward inclusivity and equity in leadership.

Jenny Whitener: Thanks again, Vicki, for joining us. To our listeners, we hope this discussion empowers you to champion women's leadership within your realms and beyond. Stay tuned for more insightful conversations here at "Leaders in the Arena."

Vicki Gordon’s experience with the Women’s Professional Network underscores the critical need for structured, inclusive, and data-driven programs to promote women into leadership roles. Yet, organizations looking to replicate Vicki's success must prioritize strategic planning, broad-based involvement, and a clear focus on measurable outcomes. By doing so, they advance women's leadership and drive greater organizational success through diversity.


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Founded in 2003, Bridge Innovate is an SBA-certified woman-owned small business with 20+ years of experience in business innovation, leadership development, and organizational change. We’re on a mission to make a difference and to ignite creative leadership for growth and good.

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